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What you'll be reading
We're ringing in 2016 with a wonderfully diverse selection of stories. From a net-zero
carbon school in London to a tunnel in Algeria that presented a swelling challenge, this
edition captures the truly rich range of disciplines of the Dar Group.
"Sustainability" is on everyone's lips these days. But nowhere more so than in Lebanon,
where the waste crisis is a reality. We look at Solid Waste Management Planning in context.
Then, in "Who Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees?" we investigate the growing field of
natural capital. Finally, we travel to Hackbridge, which is on track to be the UK's first net-
zero carbon, Passivhaus-certified school, thanks to Elementa.
As our projects progress across the globe, we showcase three stunning examples.
Dar Al-Handasah's work on the 80-million-passenger King Abdulaziz International Airport,
Perkins+Will's vibrant showroom which drew inspiration from the streets of Los Angeles,
and, of course, Maffeis's stylish retractable roof for Roland Garros.
Two of this issue's articles shed light on IPA Advisory's specialized consulting. The
company helped steer Phoenix Power's successful IPO in Oman, and had one of its
high-profile reports quoted by the UK government.
In two cases, our excellence was recognized. The first was for Dar Al-Handasah's highly
efficient work on Khalifa Stadium. The second was Currie & Brown's being certified for the
BS 11000 Collaborative Business Relationships.
We hope you enjoy this issue. And, Happy New Year from all of us at the Dar Group!
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