an impressive mix | joined up execution Our strategy has always been delivery on bigger projects and for longer commitments, growing the Group organically and by inviting new companies with matched up skills and similar values, and looking into new markets of opportunities. With mechanisms in place, we are just more joined up in executing them... by Rawiya Bikhazi There is a lot to be said about “the bigger is better” and the “one-stop-shop“ notions. Clients want to work with fewer firms and we do that - providing a multidisciplinary range of services, from scheme and design to delivery and operations. Consolidation makes it easy for big clients to keep a good handle over their projects; clearly they’d rather work with a smaller number of organizations than have to deal with a multitude of contracts. But, it is not about size or doing it all. We are not about doing everything, when we need to subcontract for a specialty task we know where to go, within our Group or outside. We have become really good at virtual leading, we get plugged into a project’s network before its starts and continue well after delivery. It is about leadership management especially for the larger projects where active teams are dispersed all around the world. At the firm level we have seen consistent Our clients are the biggest reason why we work hard to keep our operation so well-oiled. It is about the efficiency of the process to get the job done. We have top world class capability on a global scale and we use the full scale of our organization and our Group to get into a project. We draw upon our Group’s global expertise to skill up for projects, with the adaptability for what clients need. Our culture and work style gelled with local expertise and a leadership that understands the subtleties of the local market is fundamental to our success. organic growth. We have just opened our fifth head office in Amman, consolidated our London head office and construction is already underway on our new Cairo Head Office building. DarPune’s activity is growing as our easternmost Head Office celebrates its fifth year and the outlook for our global Area Offices is looking good too. Un-organic growth is also part of our overall growth strategy. At the Group level we are targeting niche match ups that have solidified our front end expertise in modern infrastructure, energy transport, natural resources , and security. Currie and Brown, the latest firm to join our Group, has added significant value to our project management and cost consultancy services. We are trying to look at areas of consultancy that have a different set of expertise as their basis than ours, looking at their core value and out of this evaluating whether they are a good fit into our Group. 36