Qatar, Middle East
Dar Al Handasah undertakes assessment of the contractors for their compliance with the environmental requirements of the State of Qatar, environmental management best practice and relevant conditions pertaining to environmental permits issued by the Ministry of Environment.
Monitoring for QEZ3 consists of Inspection, Verification and Effects Monitoring whereas QENFB includes inspection and verification only.
Inspection and Verification Monitoring (IVM) includes control monitoring and inspections of each of the main contractors to ensure they are compliant with their environmental monitoring obligations as per their CEMPs and permits issued by the MoE.
There are three elements to IVM:
- Environmental quality checks monitoring. This includes the inspection and review of contractor monitoring results, their monitoring approach and the equipment used. DAHC also undertake joint and independent monitoring of aspects including air quality, noise, groundwater and soil sampling and marine water quality (both marine discharges and dredging and reclamation).
- Formal audits of contractor activities
- Observation of general site conditions and contractor activities carried out in the course of site
Effects Monitoring comprises the identification of potential environmental impacts and possible changes to the project site and surrounding environment as a result of construction activities. Monitoring will be conducted post-construction to determine environmental recovery.