Angola, Africa
The Specialised Centre for the Treatment of Endemic Diseases and Pandemics (Centro Especializado do Tratamento de Endemias e Pandemias - CETEP) is a 1,376-bed medical centre, that will serve as a frontline for the treatment of contagious infections and diseases, such as COVID-19 as well as future endemics and pandemics. Converted from an existing residential compound over a period of 12 months, CETEP is now the medical unit with the largest capacity in Angola.
The project
CETEP’s intensive care unit (3,485 m2) comprises 73 beds for intensive care and 92 beds for intermediate treatment. Moreover, 200 houses in CETEP were adapted to render the following services:
- 173 houses (comprising 1,211 beds) for quarantine;
- 5 houses dedicated to accommodating doctors;
- 2 houses for pharmacies;
- 1 house for equipment storage;
- 1 house for training;
- 3 houses for triage;
- 2 houses for imagology;
- 6 houses for laboratories (microbiology, molecular biology, haematology, biochemistry, blood bank);
- 6 houses for administration; and
- 1 house for the police.
Additionally, two new buildings were constructed in CETEP, comprising:
- 1,100 m2 of dorms with a capacity of 192 beds for the accommodation of nurses (96 beds for men and 96 beds for women)
- Service building (with an area of 2,150 m2) including the following facilities:
- A dining hall that can receive up to 80 persons;
- An industrial kitchen that can serve up to 500 persons;
- A bakery with a capacity of 80 baguette/hour; and
- An industrial laundry with a capacity of 100 kg;
Furthermore, the project at CETEP incorporated significant technical services, including:
- The construction of 3.5 km of paved roads, within CETEP, complete with integrated infrastructure including stormwater, wastewater, telecommunication, water supply, electrical energy, and public illumination networks;
- The rehabilitation of the access road to CETEP, including an extension of 4 km;
- The construction of an elevated water tank with a capacity of 500 m3 and a 4-km transmission line connecting to the potable water transmission line of Calumbo;
- The construction of a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 150 m3/day, and an irrigation tank with a capacity of 500 m3 that will be filled by the treated effluent; and
- The execution of 4 electrical substations and 4 generator sets guaranteeing 24/7 electric supply to CETEP.
The first phase of the centre was inaugurated on November 11th, 2021. In the short run, the other complementary phases will be constructed to deliver coordinated and leading-edge care to patients. To be at the forefront of patient care and steadfast commitment to the community, medical services at the centre will be fortified by creating an innovative seamless system which comprises additional services such as emergency, imagology, surgery cells, operation blocks, intensive care units, administrative areas, auditorium, central laboratory, and vaccine storage.