Jordan, Middle East
Dar carried out the water conveyance system’s detailed design from an existing initial concept and assisted during the system’s construction. We also developed an Environmental and Social Management Plan to ensure proper usage and distribution of water.
At a glance
100 million
m³ of water conveyed to Amman
The project
Our various teams worked on the:
- Drilling and equipping of 55 wells which are 500–600 m deep
- Construction of 100 km of collection pipes in the wellfield (300 to 1, 600 mm in diameter)
- Construction of 325 km of pipes (1, 300 to 1, 600 mm) between the wellfield and Amman
- Construction of a medium voltage overhead network for power provision to wells
- Provision of 55 pump sets 300–400 hp each with surge tanks 3 m3 capacity at every well
- Construction of two 18 MVA pumping stations
- Construction of five intermediate regulation and break pressure tanks (10, 000 to 20, 000 m³)
- Construction of a terminal reservoir of 150, 000 m³ at Abu Alanda
- Provision of 15 bladder type surge vessels at pump stations with capacities of 20–30 m³ each
- Provision of 15 smaller size bladder type surge tanks of 10–20 m³
- Provision of 11 discharge tanks of 45 m³ along conveyor pipes
- Disinfection system for the 293, 000 m³/day output, to maintain water quality within standards and covering the whole project components from the wells to the terminal reservoir
- Complete SCADA system to suit a fully flexible operation philosophy for the project, which
ensures meeting possible variable demand and operation scenarios, and minimization of spillage
Through our work on this project, we helped solve Amman’s water needs. We also helped alleviate the over-extraction of existing wells.