Benguela Province – Angola, Africa
After a series of heavy rains destroyed the bridge over the Cavaco River, thus delaying humanitarian aid, the Ministry of Public Works (MINOP) assigned Dar to design and supervise the construction of regulations controls for the Benguela Province Rivers. Thanks to Dar’s efforts and the MINOP’s initiative, the project now helps preserve people’s safety even in the most unpredictable weather events.
The project
We implemented comprehensive flood protection and river training works to regulate and control three rivers in the province: the Catumbela, Cavaco and Coporolo Rivers. Our intervention aimed to improve our communities’ well-being on different levels. We recommended flood protection alternatives to eliminate flooding of agricultural land in the province. We also developed an overall water supply strategy to best serve the population’s needs. Our works included:
- The construction of earthfill dikes with a total volume of over 1 million m³
- The construction of 4 m wide service roads on top of the earthfill dikes for maintenanc
- The onstruction of a 2.7 km long 17 m wide marginal paved road on top of Catumbela dike
- A 2-D hydrodynamic modeling for the rivers