Tthe 28th issue of Dar Magazine – titled The New and the Renewed – is now available online.
The 28th issue threads storylines of how our Sidara teams around the world are experimenting with and shaping everything new and promising in our industry from data-driven design and artificial superintelligence to SMART buildings, new methods of construction, innovative carbon capture and management techniques, and much more. At the same time, the issue explores how our teams are finding exceptional value and new possibilities in the old: creatively renewing and rehabilitating existing buildings and infrastructure and reinvigorating entire landscapes and ecosystems, to renew their value for our communities.
From Amman and Taiwan to Barcelona and British Colombia, the new issue demonstrates Sidara’s global impact across multiple industries and our role in critical ongoing conversations, including the future of artificial intelligence, the built environment, adaptive reuse, climate change and much more.
We hope you find this issue insightful and inspiring.